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Back in March 2019, my then 3 year old son went to our yard and discovered an earthworm. The first thing he asked was, "What is this?" I said, "It's a wiggly worm."


He thought it was a gummy worm to eat. Then, I had one of those parent dilemmas... Do I let him eat it or do I explain the truth? Well, I told him the truth.


What happened next was the beginning of the farm.


My son and I began collecting worms every day. Eventually, Lucas requested that we make a worm farm. So, with Lucas’s help, we found some old bricks and stacked them into a 3-foot rectangle wall.


With some YouTube help, I found that substrate of coffee and dirt was the perfect set up. We probably collected close to 1000 worms that month.  


What I didn’t realize was with the NC temps in summer close to 100 degrees, it was not the ideal substrate for earthworms.


One day Lucas requested we dig for worms, and while he was digging, he was saying “Daddy the soil is hot, ouch!” I checked the temp of the soil and it was close to 145 degrees.


Turns out, all the worms got fried. What I found was that coffee, even though a good substrate, does a few things that makes it less than ideal for earthworms. Coffee holds water and it retains heat. That was a lesson learned. I told Lucas they just went under the ground.


The next few days I noticed the coffee substrate lowering and was full of Black Soldier Fly Larvae. To be honest, I thought they were maggots and dreaded cleaning up the mess.


But after doing a bit of research, I found that these guys are super insects and great reptile feeders. So, I started selling them on eBay.


What started out as a few sales of larvae has turned into selling over 2,000,000 worm varieties to date.


We are now proud to expand to Large Super Worms, Large Mealworms, Large Black Soldier Fly Larvae, Horn Worms, Silkworms, Butter Worms. Including an aquatic line of Walter, Micro, Banana Worms.


Please let us know how we can help you meet your reptile and fishing needs.


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